Gordon, Thomas F.

Thomas Gordon conducts research on argumentation technology in the fields of "artificial intelligence and law" and "computational models of argument". He heads a research group on argumentation technology at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communications Systems (FOKUS) in Berlin and holds an honorary professorship for argumentation technology at the Institute of Computer Science of the University of Potsdam. The goal of this research is to provide software tools for governance tasks in the policy life cycle: agenda setting, analysis, policy development and legislation, implementation (including administrative rulemaking and electronic service delivery), and monitoring. Example types of applications include:  • systems for constructing ("inventing"), structuring, evaluating and visualizing arguments  • rule-based systems for managing and applying legislation and regulations  • groupware systems for supporting online dispute resolution and deliberative democracy  • regulatory compliance systems, for helping businesses to meet their legal obligations at minimal cost • systems for helping citizens apply for governmental benefits and services • policy modeling and legislative support systems for drafting and analyzing policies, laws and regulations • document assembly systems for supporting the drafting of legal documents

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